I wanted to open the website blog with the rather obvious post about why the word ‘perspective’ was chosen. It seems like it was almost too obvious but I felt it was right.
I’d like you to ponder for a moment a time when a friend has been upset or struggling with something. You no doubt listened, offered advice or gave them the space to work through what they were thinking about until they felt they knew what to do. You were able to think clearly, perhaps rationalise their thoughts and feelings and helped them to process. However, when the shoe is on the other foot and you yourself are the one struggling with something, it’s raw, it hurts, it’s too close to home and oft-times it is too hard to know what to do next. You might also note that you can be much kinder to another person than you might be to yourself. (I will be explaining in the future why this happens so keep an eye out for that one!)
Now I’d like you to look at this image I saw a while back – an ambigram of the words, “I’m fine” one way and when rotated, the words, “Save me.” It stuck with me for a few reasons. The first reason was how accurate it can be! How I would’ve previously found it so easy to tell people I was fine when deep down I was screaming inside, hoping that someone could see that I was desperately needing help. How different the message was one way, from the other!! I had also never seen an ambigram before and liked how clever it was. (I’m easily pleased! LOL) I liked how it tied in with my thoughts about how there is always another perspective to things.
Just like the two perspectives are completely different in an ambigram, our perspectives with ourselves and others (thinking back to the friend scenario in the first paragraph) are also quite different. At times, it can almost be as if we are viewing things one way for others and the complete opposite for ourselves.
To put it in another way, it could be said that sometimes we might use a bright, beautiful and light lens that gives us a clear and perhaps rose tinted view of others that can hide any chance of imperfections, but when looking at ourselves, our lens might be a dull, dark, ugly one that ensures that every minute flaw and issue is highlighted and any good thing is well hidden in the dark parts. But the message I want to ensure gets out is that we all deserve the same kindness, same perspective and lens that we would use for others. When we utilise all the lenses or perspectives available to us, we can see and do so much more. It really changes the way we handle things, the way we think, the way our lives move forward; be that with health, work, difficulties and struggles, weight, fitness, tasks… anything. If you’re struggling with something, perhaps give it a try; talk or write things down as if it was a friend talking to you about that issue. To remove yourself from the situation and advise as if looking from the outside can be really beneficial and enable you to work out what you want to do or where you want to go. It’s powerful stuff this perspective malarkey! This rather cleverly moves me on to the final part of the opening blog. (and it wasn’t actually planned to be this way but I’m pleased it has worked out like this)
When we started thinking about what we wanted to call our business – what we wanted to focus on and our priorities, how we could actually help people and leave them with long lasting tools for change, perspective was at the very centre of our thoughts as you can now tell. This lead us to thinking about a quick way to encapsulate what it meant for us and what we hoped for with those we would help. We created our very own quote about the power of perspective and although we have it on our website and various socials, I’ll add it here too:
“Exploring alternative perspectives enables us to regain balance and power.”
– Perspective Health and Wellbeing.
For us it really feels like when all the various perspectives are explored (think of how you might search for new paths or places to adventure on, you try to make sure you look for everything so as not to miss out) we can be empowered (another synonym for ‘enabled,’ much like ‘it becomes possible,’ is another good one!) to regain (get back, to possess and own again – because they are ours) those things that we need in life to help us move forward and succeed – balance and power. (Whether that is moving forward from things that have held us back, things that are difficult, or moving towards the various goals and dreams we might wish to achieve)
We are really excited about sharing the power of perspective and being able to help people more. As always, if you want to find out more, ask us anything, or book in a consultation, please get in touch with us. We have a ‘contact us’ page here on our website that will show you how to get hold of us.
PS I tried to play with ambigrams using the business name for the purpose of this post, but I really don’t feel like it works as well as the image I shared above [facepalm] but I wanted to show you all still. If you want to see another that works well, you can also look up ‘you define you’ by Jared Padaleki. That one works really well!

Great first post!
Thank you so much for your comment and I’m glad you liked the post. Take care.